
Benefits to club members:
- Increased knowledge of the Samoyed breed
- Friendship among members
- Reimbursment of $25.00 for graduation from beginner obedience class
- Reading and video material available for check-out from the club library
- Voting rights on club decisions
- Programs of interest to dog fanciers at club meetings
- Many committees available for members to actively help the club
- Education and assistance in learning working dog events such as sledding, skijoring, pack hike, weight-pull agility, herding and therapy work
If you’re not already a member of S.A.M.S., we’d love to have you!
To become a member, you must first attend 2 S.A.M.S. meetings, functions or events. This will give you the opportunity to meet other club members and see the kind of activities you can be involved in, before you make the commitment to join the club.
Once you have attended 2 meetings, functions or events, and are ready to join, complete a membership application form.
S.A.M.S. Membership Form (Word)
S.A.M.S. Membership Form (.pdf )
(If you are unable to access the form from this site, please contact the Membership Chair to have a form mailed to you.
Mail form, along with a check for your membership fee to the Membership Chair at the address shown on the form.
Please be sure to read the S.A.M.S. Constitution
After your completed form and check have been received, your name will be read at the next S.A.M.S. meeting, and will be published in the next club newsletter.
At the meeting following the reading and publishing of your application, the club membership will vote on approval of your membership into the S.A.M.S. club.
As you are waiting to become an “official” member, you are welcome at any S.A.M.S. meetings, functions or events!